Tally vs ADDA


Tally is best suited to Corporate Accounting with various State Taxes, Investments, Loans, Debts etc.
ADDA is best suited for Housing Society Accounting with mainly Receipts & Payments and Central Taxes.

Sl.No Functionality Tally
1 Viewable by MC* from anywhere/anytime
2 Easy for MC to understand and get desired Reports
3 Readymade Flat-wise Subledger
4 Automatic Due Generation by Flat
5 Invoice & Receipts by Email & SMS
6 Due Reminders by Email & SMS
7 Account Statement available to each Member
8 Member can view Payment Instructions
9 Member can inform Society when Direct Transfer made
10 Member can pay by Credit Card / Debit Card
11 Late Payment Interest calculated Automatically
12 Member can view LIVE Interest increasing on Daily Basis
13 Automatic Allocation of Collections to Invoices
14 Reports can be Published to selected Members with one click
15 LIVE Expense Trend, Expense Comparision Pie Charts
16 Online Purchase Request Workflow
17 Custom-Built for Apartment Owners Associations
18 Data can be entered by Non-Accountant
19 Integrated with Complaint Tracker - Complaining Flats with Dues show Red
20 Product Enhancements specific to Society Accounting
(e.g. Service Tax change for Societies in 2012 Budget)
21 Journal Entry
22 Bank Reconciliation
23 Expense Entries for Cash, Payment Voucher Generation
24 All Accounts data can be exported to Excel
25 Final BalanceSheet and Income/Expense Statements
*MC = Management Committee of the Association/Society

Read More on ApartmentADDA's Online Society Accounting Software Features.