Apartment ADDA

EVERYTHING you would need to run your Apartment Complex!

Over 18,500 Owners Associations use ADDA to save time & manage their Apartment Complexes better.

Discover how leading Apartment management, accounting and communication platform can help you!


across India

1.2 Million

Active Users

2.1 Million

Forum Discussions

12 Lakh

Society HelpDesk

$80 Million

Payment Gateway

$465 Million

Dues Managed

Save lakhs on Apartment Maintenance. Reclaim your precious time, spent on Apartment Management & Accounting. Bring in Transparency and Professionalism to your Apartment / Villa Community.

Easy Apartment Accounting

ADDA helps you take charge of your Apartment Accounting and make it Transparent. You do not need an Accounting Background for maintaining Apartment Complex financial accounts any more.
  • Income/Expense Tracker- Be on top of Money inflow/outflow
  • Integrated Payment Gateway - Makes Apartment Billing and Collection easy
  • Apartment Billing - Automatic Calculation of Apartment Maintenance Bills, Automatic Invoicing
  • Integrated Payment Gateway - Pay, Collect Apartment Maintenance Dues Online, Automatic Accounting Entries
  • Apartment Accounting - End to end Accounting from defining chart of accounts to generation of final balance sheet
  • Accounting Reports - 100+ Preconfigured Reports

Professional Apartment Management

Save time and effort spent on managing your Apartment Complex. With a Apartment Maintenance Software, save lakhs in repair and breakdown costs, increase longevity of assets and add value to your property
  • Property Management / Facility Management - Centrally manage all facilities, documents, service history, maintenance dates, complaint records
  • Apartment Complex Helpdesk - Manage Complaints, Suggestions, Queries
  • Resident Data Management - Owner / Tenant Information, User Management
  • Apartment Communication / Apartment Collaboration Portal - Put up notices, Send SMS/Email Broadcasts
  • Vendor Management - Setup Vendor details, make payments, Manage POs, Invoices
  • Staff & Visitor Management - Directories, Intelligence on entry/exit, attendance
With Insights into your Spends, decrease your Apartment Maintenance charges

ADDA erp dashboard

Have Proud Owners, Happy Tenants, Satisfied Association Office, Decreased Apartment Maintenance and Greater Property Value!

Download ADDA App
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Admin App for Management Committees
ADDA Admin
Download ADDA Admin App
Apartment Management and Accounting On the Go!

ADDA Gatekeeper App
Download ADDA Gatekeeper App
ADDA Gatekeeper App
Still maintaining security logs manually in registers? Digitize your apartment visitor and staff management.